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If you’re looking for a daily lotion that does it all, consider this one by CeraVe, which contains both ceramides and hyaluronic acid to both hydrate the skin and restore its natural barrier without leaving a greasy feel.
“The patented MVE delivery technology helps deliver moisturizing ingredients to the skin over 24 hours, keeping the skin soft and smooth all day,” says Marisa Garshick, MD, dermatologist at Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery in New York City. “It’s also fragrance-free, making it an especially good option for those with sensitive skin.”
After 20 hours of research and testing 10 of the most popular drugstore brands, our new pick is Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion. Our previous top pick, CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion, is now the runner-up.
After spending 20 hours on research and interviews, we learned that body lotion works best when you use it as preventive care before your skin dries out, so having a lotion you like to use regularly matters. We tested the 10 most popular lotions on the market, and the hands-down favorite among our panel of seven testers was Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion.
You have thousands of lotions to choose from. They come in all manner of scents and colors and promise a swath of therapeutic benefits. No major dermatological society offers a list of recommended brands or products, so we had to start from scratch.
We don’t want to use it unless we have to (when our skin is dry and damaged), but by the time we have to, a normal lotion can’t help us.
Research and interviews taught us two main lessons about lotion. Despite newer ingredients that “absorb” into the skin to add moisture, the main way that lotion prevents and heals dry skin is by adding a thin layer of oil to the surface to prevent water loss. So the only thing our best lotion needs is an oil (or another occlusive, like petrolatum).
Even people with chronic skin conditions that cause them to suffer from itchy, red skin throughout the year struggle to find the motivation to apply lotion every day. In two studies, only 20 percent of people with diagnosed dry skin conditions managed to stick to a daily regimen. Why? Because it takes too much time and lotion feels bad on their skin. “Make sure you like the way it feels on your skin,” said dermatologist Dr. Angela J. Lamb. “If it doesn’t [feel good], you aren’t going to put it on.” Our mission was clear.
After scraping “top lotions” lists of nine major publications, we accumulated nearly 100 products. The lists rarely overlapped in their recommendations, and few of the lists presented any evidence or explanation for why the recommended products were good products. Given the recommendations’ lack of transparency, we did not consider them further, except for noting the rare repeats for further testing.
We ignored all claims of antioxidants, ceramides, amino acids, or other therapeutic additives because evidence doesn’t exist that off-the-shelf moisturizers contain enough of these ingredients to make a difference.
Diperkaya akan kandungan pure cocoa butter, losion ini dapat memberikan kelembapan secara maksimal untuk membantu memperbaiki kulit kering agar terlihat lebih bercahaya secara alami.
Siapa yang tak tahu manfaat green tea untuk kesehatan kulit? Green tea dikenal sebagai kandungan antioxidant yang dibutuhkan oleh kulit untuk mendapatkan kulit yang sehat dan glowing.
Diperkaya dengan teknologi 3X repairing, losion ini diklaim mampu mengembalikan kelembapan kulit, mempertahankan kelembapan kulit, mengeluarkan kilau kulit yang tersembunyi.
Tak perlu khawatir, losion ini diformulasikan agar cepat menyerap di kulit tanpa meninggalkan rasa lengket.
5. Vaseline Healthy Bright Sun+Pollution Protection SPF24 Lotion, cocok untuk di luar ruangan
Kerap menggunakan transportasi umum tentu bisa berdampak pada kesehatan kulitmu. Kulit yang terus terpapar sinar matahari langsung dan polusi bisa menjadi kusam dan bersisik. Dari Vaseline, kamu bisa mencoba Vaseline Healthy Bright Sun+Pollution Protection SPF24 Lotion.
Losion ini mampu melindungi kulit cerahmu dari matahari dan polusi karena teknologi Pollution Protection Factor (PPF) yang ada didalamnya.
Dilengkapi dengan Vitamin B3 alami, produk ini bisa membantu kulit tampak lebih cerah dengan cara menghambat produksi melanin. Gunakan produk ini sebelum keluar rumah untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal.
We all strive for that soft and supple look when it comes to our skin. To get it, we need a solid skincare regime – one that does a lot to build upon the natural good qualities of our individual skin type, and then enhance from there with gentle care.
That routine must be topped with the all-important moisturiser.
Body lotions and moisturisers work effectively to lock in the specific natural re-hydrating factors in our skin. This helps to maintain its oils and enhance skin repair, to give it that healthy glow we all seek.
But what’s the difference between a moisturiser and a cream, and how long do they lend those hydrating qualities to a given skin type?