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YES eindelijk een perfect alternatief voor de zonnebank! Ik ben erg enthousiast over de Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam Dark. De mouse trekt snel in, geeft geen vlekken en het resultaat is al na een half uur tot uur zichtbaar. Het geeft een prachtig natuurlijk gebruinde huid en ruikt ook nog eens heel erg lekker. Ik heb al meerdere complimenten ontvangen. Daarnaast blijft de kleur lang zitten (ongeveer 4 tot 5 dagen).
Ik gebruik het product nu 1x per week en dan vaak op de zondag, zodat ik de week lekker zongebruind in ga. Het geeft mij een fijn gevoel er lekker gebruind bij te lopen. En dit zonder dat mijn huid beschadigd raakt. Ook de tanning mitt kan ik zeker aanraden. Dit maakt het aanbrengen en verdelen extra makkelijk. Top product, kan het zeker aanraden en zal deze dan ook opnieuw aanschaffen zodra de verpakking op is.
De Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam is verkrijgbaar bij de vanaf € 16,95
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Ik ben Janine en expert op het gebied van beauty. Met veel passie en plezier run ik deze beauty blog. Al jaren schrijf ik hier wekelijks nieuwe artikelen op het gebied van make-up, skincare, haarverzorging, nagels en meer. Inmiddels heb ik al heel wat producten uitgetest en daardoor weet ik precies wat wel en niet werkt. En dit is dé plek waar ik graag al mijn ervaring met jullie deel!
That gorgeous body shape was originally penned by Ned Steinberger for Spector way back in the '70s – hence the NS in the model name. Strap on the Ethos and you’ll find that the light weight and perfect balance make this a comfortable bass to wear.
If you’re coming from years of playing a Jazz- or Precision-style bass, the fact that the neck joins the body way up around the 19th fret is a little disorientating for a while. Once you’re used to it, though, it’s a freeing experience – and allied to the sculpted heel joint, playing right up to the second octave is very tempting.
On the front split-coil pickup, even with the EQ set flat, there’s an almost passive pureness and clarity to the treble frequencies – rich with harmonics, but glassy and clean.
Likewise, the deep, sonorous low end cuts through, adding weight without ever sounding confused or undefined. Mixing in the bridge pickup adds depth and definition to the mid frequencies, and using the pickup pan control gives a wide palette of rich, refined bass tones.
After powering up the ETOE E3 Pro, I was asked to choose the language and to pair the remote control (press two buttons). Then, I was asked to select the language again which shows that the first time was some leftover code from a prior installation wizard or so I think. Afterwards, I connected the projector to the WiFi network and, since it supports 802.11ac, I used the 5GHz radio band for a better performance. After that, I had to sign into the Google account (you can’t really use the projector otherwise) and then Google will try to focus its big lenses on you.
Furthermore, while watching a movie on Prime and Netflix, when I wanted to skip forward or go back to a certain scene, there is about a second of delay where you need to insist on the action for it to be registered. I know I am nitpicking a bit because like I said, the screen never froze and there was no stuttering, but neither was the experience perfectly smooth.
If you’re listening to something on YouTube or watching a movie and want to adjust anything from the menu, the remote will casually forget that you opened the menu and it will navigate the Netflix or YouTube interface instead. The ETOE E3 Pro also has built-in Chromecast, so you can connect to other compatible devices (phone, PCs, tablets) and stream data.
On stormy Thursday afternoon on November 2, 2023 I came to etos with my 2 years baby and with my big groceries from Jumbo. I wanted to buy vitamines for my families in Etos Escamplaan, Den Haag. After I was done paying in the self service kassa. I put the vitamines in my baby buggy and grab my groceries bag. When I grabbed one of my groceries bag I noticed the floor was dirty because of the eggs in one of my bag is broken accidently.
I informed one of etos employee that the floor is dirty and I was sorry that the floor is dirty because of my eggs.
I did not expect what she react. She act like I did that on purpose.
With her bitchy look said to me, you have to clean it by yourself because you make the floor dirty.
I told her couple of time. It was accident! The other etos employee ask her to let her do that. But the bitchy etos employee said, let her (me) do it alone. She gave me tissue and check all around other floor make sure i clean all the floor that has eggs on. I grab the tissue and i said to her, no worries i will responsible for this and clean the floor. I am not gonna run from my responsible.
Before i finish my words she cut my words and said yes because people come often with the dogs and pee inside but they left without clean it.
(To make it clear i never come with dogs as i don't have dogs).
Cleaning up to do my responsibility is not a big deal. But the way how she said to me to clean the floor with her bitchy attitude is very rude and disrespectful!!
I hope she learns how to respect other in good attitude and manners.
Date of experience : November 02, 2023
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