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Ich bin seit 2021 im Redaktionsteam und beschäftige mich vor allem mit Texten rund um das Thema Drogerie. Durch meine Beschäftigung mit dieser Thematik habe ich außerdem viel über diesen spannenden Bereich gelernt und bin immer wieder erstaunt, was es alles gibt. Gerne lasse ich Sie an meinen Erfahrungen teilhaben. Als Fachautorin für Drogerieprodukte teile ich mein Wissen über Beauty- sowie Pflegeprodukte, Gesundheitsartikel, Haushaltswaren und vieles mehr. Meine Beiträge umfassen Produktvergleiche, Tipps, Trends und Empfehlungen, um Lesern dabei zu helfen, die besten Produkte für ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden sowie sowohl ihre Schönheits- als auch Pflegeroutine zu optimieren.
Unser Rituals-Körpercreme-Vergleich ist aus meiner Sicht besonders empfehlenswert für Hautpflege-Liebhaber.
Seit Mai 2022 unterstütze ich die Redaktion der VGL. Es macht mir besonders viel Spaß, Texte auf kreative Art und Weise leserfreundlich zu gestalten und dabei meine Expertise in den verschiedensten Bereichen einzubringen. In meiner Freizeit mache ich gerne und viel Sport und probiere dabei immer wieder neue Sportarten aus. Als Lektorin liegt mein Fokus darauf, Texte auf ihre Klarheit, Verständlichkeit und stilistische Korrektheit zu überprüfen. Mein Ziel ist es dabei, die Qualität und den Ausdruck der Texte zu verbessern, um Ihnen eine angenehme Leseerfahrung zu bieten. Durch meine langjährige Erfahrung als Lektorin will ich vor allem dazu beitragen, dass die Inhalte unserer Redaktion optimal präsentiert werden und ihre volle Wirkung entfalten.
Die Marke Rituals schafft mit ihren Kosmetik-Produkten kleine, regelmäßige Glücksmomente. Damit wollen sie die tägliche Körperpflege zu Ritualen bewusster Entspannung werden lassen. Passend zu jedem Ritual gibt es eine Kollektion, die mit individuellen Düften und Pflegestoffen den Zweck des Rituals bestimmt – beispielsweise sinnlich, beruhigend oder belebend.
Вярваме, че щастието може да се открие в нещо наистина дребно, но прекалено често животът ни е толкова забързан, че забравяме да се насладим на мига. Мисията ни е да Ви насърчим да забавяте темпото от време на време.
Вдъхновени от мъдростта и древните традиции на азиатските култури, създадохме богата колекция от луксозни, но достъпни продукти за дома и тялото. С уникалните емблематични аромати, внимателно разработени и съчетани от най-добрите парфюмери в света, се надяваме да Ви осигурим богатство от изживявания.
In This Article
Raise your hand if you moisturize your face daily but you’re not as diligent about moisturizing your body (guilty!). We get it—it can feel like an extra, unnecessary step. But according to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Teresa Song, it’s best to apply body lotion every day. “Moisturized skin maintains a healthy skin barrier, preventing irritation and premature aging,” she says. And, if you have eczema-prone skin, Song actually recommends moisturizing multiple times a day.
We tested more than 80 moisturizers in our daily lives over four weeks to find the best options for a variety of skin types, skin concerns, and preferences. We evaluated each one based on its texture, ingredients, consistency, absorption, effectiveness, and overall results. We also consulted with Dr. Teresa Song and double board-certified dermatologist Dr. Maya Thosani to learn more about what you should look for in a primo body lotion for your specific needs. These are our top picks that performed well above the rest.
Hello, noses! Good evening and welcome to a new comment from me. Probably 50% of the potential readers, but above all readers, have just run away because of my title alone. after all, it contains the name of a Star Wars character from the newer movies. However. I could ask those who have run away now how they even know the name Kylo Ren or remembered it and know that this character is from Star Wars. after all, Kylo is one of the new villains and despite his novel lightsaber he's not as iconic and well known as Darth Vader, who even all those who have never seen Star Wars actually know. but okay, that's fine. just run away. You freaks!! D
So. and why am I thinking of Kylo Ren here? Apart from the fact that I don't like this milky-faced and boyish looking Obermotz at all, I had to think of him as a nerdiger Star Wars fan, because in the fragrance list below among other things Yi Yi Ren is listed. And when I think of "Ren", I think of Kylo Ren.
Soo, you know what? The fragrance smells just like the body cream or other products in the Dao range from Rituals. You can smell lotus, which has a great, flowery-sweet scent and which comes across beautifully exotic. And somehow its scent reminds me a little of coconut.
Hm. what's Yi Yi Ren now? According to the internet they should be Jobstränensamen (I don't even want to know what that is again. ), and that they are mainly used in traditional Chinese medicine. I don't know how they smell now either. Probably they work together with the lotus and give the fragrance just this striking scent of the Dao cream, which smells very nice in my opinion.
Yeah, and that was it, actually. That's all you smell. So the fragrance smells just like the cream, and that without any great fragrance development or divisions into head, heart and base.
The radiance is rather weaker, I would even say that it is as strong (or weak) as the cream, only that it radiates longer and does not weaken as fast as the cream. But this does not mean that the fragrance has a long shelf life. I would assume a maximum of about three to four hours here.