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Behandeling van Huidaandoeningen bij Andrews Barbershop

Huidziekten beter behandelen dankzij NWA-subsidie van 11,7 miljoen euro

Patiënten met huidziekten zoals eczeem en psoriasis zijn soms levenslang op zoek naar de juiste medicatie. Om die patiënten sneller en beter te kunnen helpen, slaan wetenschappers over het hele land de handen in elkaar. Het project Next Generation ImmunoDermatology (NGID), met hoogleraar Robert Rissmann van het LACDR als penvoerder, ontvangt een grote subsidie van 11,7 miljoen euro. Daarmee doen ze onderzoek naar gepersonaliseerde behandelmethoden.

In Nederland lijden 2,5 miljoen patiënten aan een chronische ontstekingsziekte van de huid. Toch is er momenteel nog geen behandelmethode die hen snel en efficiënt aan het juiste geneesmiddel kan helpen. ‘Nu krijgen deze patiënten een standaard geneesmiddel dat gemiddeld gezien het vaakst werkt,’ zegt Rissmann van het LACDR, het medicijnenonderzoeksinstituut van de Universiteit Leiden. ‘De zoektocht naar het juiste geneesmiddel kan jaren duren. Om dat proces te versnellen, gaan Medische Universitaire centra, patiëntenverenigingen, kennisinstituten en farmaceuten over het hele land samenwerken.’

PPP comorbidities

Several studies have suggested that environmental exacerbating factors might contribute to the onset or worsening of PPP such as cigarette smoking, stress, focal infections, metal allergies, and drug intake 1,22 .

Tobacco smoke

The high prevalence of current or past smoking in PPP patients (42 to 100%) suggests a role in the pathogenesis of the disease, smoking withdrawal seems to improve the severity of PPP 23 . Nicotine has been suggested to exert a role on the sweat glands or on the keratinocytes, increasing cornification and promoting neutrophilic inflammation 1,22 . Differences in nicotine acetylcholine receptor staining patterns in PPP skin have revealed an abnormal response to nicotine that might contribute to inflammation 1,22 . Recently, Kobayashi et al. demonstrated a direct relationship between the severity of PPP (measured by PPPASI) and smoking index in female PPP patients. Moreover, they demonstrated that there was a synergistic release of IL-17A and IL-36γ after exposure to cigarette smoke extract, IL-36γ was highly expressed in tonsillar epithelial cells of PPP patients in comparison with patients without PPP, suggesting that IL-36γ production might occur in tonsil tissues as a result of a smoking habit 24 .

Focal infections and microbiome

Acute or chronic infections such as sinusitis, dental infection, and tonsilitis have been identified as trigger factors for PPP 1 . In 2017, Kuono et al. demonstrated that oral focal infections are directly related to PPP severity and the control of such infections with the use of tonsillectomy improves disease severity 25 . Recently, a higher incidence of oral dysbiosis in PPP patients has been demonstrated as compared to healthy subjects 26,27 . In addition, Kuono et al. suggested that oral dysbiosis in Japanese patients might play a role in both PPP and PAO 4 . Several authors have described the presence of microbiome inside the pustules in 30% of cases, in particular Pseudonocardia, Devosia, and Staphylococcus, which are the most frequent species among smokers, and recently also of Malassezia spp. 3,28 . Takahara et al. in 2018 demonstrated the positive role of tonsillectomy in improving PPP lesions 29 .

Definition and classification

Palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by the recurrent appearance of crops of sterile pustules on the palms and soles ( Figure 1 and Figure 2 ), in conjunction with erythematous keratotic lesions that tend to crack, causing bleeding and pain 1–4 .

Crops of sterile pustules on the right sole.

This image was taken in CM’s clinic for the purpose of this manuscript.

Crops of sterile pustules on both soles.

This image was taken in CM’s clinic for the purpose of this manuscript.

In 1930, Barber assigned this condition the name PPP and categorized it as a local pustular form of psoriasis, but this entity’s etiology and its links to other pathologies are still in contention 1,2,4,5 . Some proposed that PPP is a separate entity, despite PPP and PV sharing particular phenotypes, and in 2007 the International Psoriasis Council separated PPP and psoriasis into distinct entities 1,2,4–6 . In 2017, the European Rare and Severe Expert Network (ERASPEN) distinguished between psoriasis vulgaris (PV) and pustular psoriasis (PP) and recognized them as distinct phenotypes 1,2,4–6 . PPP was considered a variant of PP with the subclassification with or without PV 7 . Such classification of PPP as a form of PP is not widely accepted, mainly in Japan where PPP is considered as a separate disease from palmoplantar PP (PPPP) 8 .


Bij zeldzame aandoeningen is het extra belangrijk om de kennis van verschillende specialisten bij elkaar te brengen. In het expertisecentrum Zeldzame Huidziekten werken daarom veel specialismen samen. Ook bij de spreekuren voor patiënten zijn meerdere specialismen betrokken.

De volgende specialismen zijn betrokken bij het Centrum voor Zeldzame Huidziekten:

  • Dermatologie
  • Kindergeneeskunde
  • Interne geneeskunde
  • Chirurgie
  • Plastische chirurgie
  • Klinische genetica
  • Pathologie
  • Radiologie
  • Interventie radiologie
  • Psychologie

Ons centrum is verbonden bij nationale en internationale samenwerkingsverbanden (European Reference Networks). Binnen deze samenwerkingsverbanden kunnen we kennis uitwisselen en samen de zorg voor zeldzame ziekten verbeteren.

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