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Lichen planus symptoms depend on where it’s affecting your body:
Lichen planus doesn’t hurt. However, if you scratch your rash, you may break your skin, leading to an infection that can cause pain.
The following may cause lichen planus flare-ups:
Lichen planopilaris is a skin disease that can lead to permanent patchy baldness. The ailment causes an itchy skin rash on your scalp. It can also affect your hairline, eyebrows, and eyelashes in some cases.
While this ailment has no known cause, research shows it may be linked to problems with your immune system. Treatments can't cure this ailment but they can help treat symptoms like itching, burning, and inflammation. Treating symptoms is key to easing the emotional effects of this disease, which can lead to depression and anxiety. Getting emotional support is also an essential aspect of living with this ailment.
Most cases of lichen planopilaris clear within about a year, though the problem can recur. Hair replacement treatments may help you restore hair lost to this ailment.
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Oralni lichen planus je promjena sluznice usta. Bolest obično započinje u obliku niza malih bijelih prištića koji postepeno poprimaju oblik čipkaste mreže. Ponekad se bolest manifestira sjajnim, crvenim, uzdignutim mrljama.
Promjene se kada je u pitanju oralni lichen planus, najčešće pojavljuju s unutarnje strane obraza, te bočno na jeziku. Pacijenti se najčešće tuže na suha bolna usta ili na metalni okus u ustima. Ponekad pacijenti nisu ni svjesni da imaju lichen planus.
Oralni lichen planus najčešće je posljedica emotivnog stresa. Oralni lichen planus je također rijetka pojava. Premda može pogoditi osobu bilo koje dobi, najčešće se javlja kod osoba srednje dobi ili starijih žena. Gotovo polovica osoba koje imaju oralni lichen planus, imaju ga i na koži.
Ako bilo kakva promjena u ustima traje dulje od tri tjedna posjetite liječnika. Najbolji lijek protiv oralnog lichen planusa je održavanje redovne higijene usta tj. pranje zuba četkicom – najmanje dva puta dnevno.
Liječnik će vam propisati kortikosteroidno sredstvo za ispiranje usta. Tablete ćete vjerojatno uzimati svakih nekoliko sati. Ovakvo liječenje pokazalo se uspješnim, te promjene najčešće nestaju unutar nekoliko dana od početka liječenja.
Osobe koje pate od lichen planusa su blago izložene riziku od raka usne šupljine.
Symptoms of lichen planopilaris can vary by individual. They can differ depending on where they appear on your body. There are three types of lichen planopilaris that involve slightly different patterns and locations of symptoms:
Classic Lichen Planopilaris: Bald patches on your scalp
Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia:
Lassueur-Graham-Little-Piccardi Syndrome:
The following general symptoms can occur in all types of lichen planopilaris:
Lichen planopilaris is a form of scarring alopecia that destroys hair follicles, causing scarring and permanent hair loss. it usually occurs only in the affected patches of the scalp and/or surrounding area.
Alopecia areata can occur anywhere in an area of hair-bearing skin and often involves the scalp and beard. It causes discrete circular patches of hair loss but total hair loss may uncommonly occur as well. While lichen planopilaris causes permanent hair loss, hair loss caused by alopecia areata usually regrows entirely within one year without treatment.